
Beyond Interpretation

Episode Thirty-Four: Beyond Interpretation.
In which Squidman doesn't miss a trick.

1 comment:

  1. A childhood of Gilligan's Island: I distinctly remember contemplating Jim Backus' jowls, considering them to be an achievement of adulthood. This comic is a mish-mash of various events flying by me at the time - repeated teases and rejections from a prospective employer, an early freak-out about the upcoming Presidential election.

    Was listening to Eno/Cale's Wrong Way Up (1990), which stands in a specific place in my memory (for one, it was a return to lyricism for Eno at the time), and feeling connected to another person for whom the album also affirms life.

    Guy holds a (too small) Resident's eyeball. No word if it is the missing Mr. Blue, though I wouldn't put it past Guy to 'accidentally' walk off with a random delivery. (To be clear: he would never do that.)


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