
My Mimesis

Episode One Hundred Twenty Two: My Mimesis.
In which the Pharm Life regulate.

1 comment:

  1. Amplifying those passing observations that my contribution is predominantly tangential; amplifying the fear that the energy I spend is wasted effort. Here, the criticized worker is a grave digger. Perhaps he's digging his own grave?

    The Soap Strip frame is a kind of failed attempt at portraying a noir-ish couple looking in a shop window: there is no reflection of the woman, only the man. This is an observation of my ongoing preoccupation with the (occasional - but how many does one need?) critique of my being solipsistic. Maybe this is a reference to Cocteau's "Orpee" (1950)?

    The Pharm Life pill surveys the many cataloging methods he uses to keep track of time, dates, events, etc. All these organizational schemes are themselves overwhelming and counter-productive.

    And the resolution frame from Netflix's Mindhunter (2017), the line spoken by Jonathan Groff as Holden Ford in the series opener. I hadn't realized until the comic was nearly done that this was kind of a tag-line for the show. The show intrigued and occupied when I came up with the strip several weeks ago, but, with all that has been going on, the connection has long gone.

    "My Mimesis" referring both to the cheap attempt to justify this strip-at-large as 'art', but also this flailing attempt to justify my life in general as a legitimate human existence. The harder I try, the more it feels obviously faked.

    Not particularly happy with this week's strip.

    Guy is holding a cassette tape used to document the experience of murderers.


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