
Horror Vacui

Episode One Hundred Forty Six: Horror Vacui.
In which we transit public.

1 comment:

  1. This from a dream. In a bus station, I open a storage locker to discover my baby is missing. I ask an authority about it, but they couldn't be arsed. The dream, of course, about a rocketing sensation of anxiety - what could be more horrific than that moment? The chosen metaphor, though, clunky enough to be funny. And so the truncated story becomes silly. The final frame a central part of the anxiety that my unconscious decided to throw into the mix - comedic in its indication that perhaps my focusing on the wrong issue is what caused me to lose my child in the first place. Ain't that always the case with lost babies.

    There are a number of interpretations, none of which is particularly interesting if you don't know me personally. Basically it's about the fear of coming up empty when ask to account for some sort of responsibility.

    The title came from the fact that, when under deadline, I tend to scribble shading in a manner that ends up being unsatisfying, and not at all what I was going for. I then have to erase this shading 'in post', doubling my effort.

    So, horror vacui - the art style of wanting filigree in every blank space. I had thought it came from Medieval art, and was theorized that it reflected a forest-dwelling mindset uncomfortable being in the open, vulnerable to attack. Coincidental to the subject of the comic that I'm experiencing horror encountering an emptiness. At least I don't think I was aware of that when I came up with the title anyway. I'm no longer aware of what I'm aware of, so it's hard to tell.

    The hand holding the key is bugging me - not at all what I was looking for in that frame. The number sixteen chosen because it came up as a 'troubling' number when I Googled numerology. Crap reasoning, actually, but I had to choose something. (I did need a number there to indicate it was a locker key.)

    Don Knotts as Barney Fife, and Gene Hackman as Harry Caul (in a repeat appearance...I do so love that film 'The Conversation').


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