
Bucket, Listing

Episode One Hundred Sixty Seven: Bucket, Listing.
In which we abandon all hope.

1 comment:

  1. Return to the phone discussion, and the annoyance of (ongoing) fundamental communication disconnect. Intriguing this should come about with the phones, that first technological advance in modern communication for popular culture.

    Third frame is an airplane's cockpit indicator of 'attitude.' This measure being out of alignment is an assessment I am perennially handed, an experience I've sadly passed on to my younger child, apparently. Nice to know I've had an impact, at least.

    It's my contention that's what the Latent Oats strip, generally, is all about: I don't fit. I don't fit, and I don't see evidence that I ever will fit, and everyone throughout my entire life tells me it's a matter of perspective. And the process of trying to understand how that works, how other people make it work, or just don't seem to care, is usually confusing and nonsensical.

    When the attitude comment comes in this strip, I've noticed I've drawn my head slightly elevated, denoting, I imagine, surprise. Unintentional, but very satisfying.

    As with earlier iconography strip, it ends with a misread utterance of a homonym. Fishing for a title, I came upon the pun between 'Buck It' (the homo-phonic sentiment in the frame, and in my life in general) and 'Bucket', which made me think of 'Bucket List,' a phrase and concept that's never sat well with me, in the way that, for instance, Van Halen has never sat well with me. Each evokes a vulgar, gross feeling.

    Bucket List, hearkening, as it does, to a sense of urgency when confronted with the finite nature of existence, and also 'Fuck It, I'm listing' as one would say, were their ship not experiencing smooth sailing, or were their attitude askew.

    Anyway, again, this strip works. It's a good concept, I think, though I can't see it going forward without getting tired. But, to be fair, that's what I thought with the original.

    Something about the stippling in the cockpit instrument, against, as it is, a clear half circle with some thin, solid, symmetrical shapes framed in a circle, keeps reminding me of five o'clock shadow. Design lesson: breathing room gives strength to abstraction.


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