Text is verbatim from the Excellent BBC audio series 'Tracks' by Matthew Broughton (initial broadcast was in September 2016). The series weaves medical text into a sci-fi thriller plot in a way that I found reminiscent of Paul Metcalf's collage-literature. In context, the sentiment surrounds a mysterious pregnancy that may have devastating consequences for the future of the human species. Here, it seemed to work to evoke the sadness of a dead relationship. The first frame from a 70's city scene photo (I seem to have lost the details). The three succeeding frames inspired, I believe, by artwork from Apartment 3-G artist Alex Kotzky. Inspired, maybe, but -as usual- drained of life. Still, I'm happy with it.
Text is verbatim from the Excellent BBC audio series 'Tracks' by Matthew Broughton (initial broadcast was in September 2016). The series weaves medical text into a sci-fi thriller plot in a way that I found reminiscent of Paul Metcalf's collage-literature. In context, the sentiment surrounds a mysterious pregnancy that may have devastating consequences for the future of the human species. Here, it seemed to work to evoke the sadness of a dead relationship. The first frame from a 70's city scene photo (I seem to have lost the details). The three succeeding frames inspired, I believe, by artwork from Apartment 3-G artist Alex Kotzky. Inspired, maybe, but -as usual- drained of life. Still, I'm happy with it.