
Soap Strip Folk IV

Episode Two Hundred Two: Soap Strip Folk IV.
In which we transfer laterally.

1 comment:

  1. Text is verbatim from the Excellent BBC audio series 'Tracks' by Matthew Broughton (initial broadcast was in September 2016). The series weaves medical text into a sci-fi thriller plot in a way that I found reminiscent of Paul Metcalf's collage-literature. In context, the sentiment surrounds a mysterious pregnancy that may have devastating consequences for the future of the human species. Here, it seemed to work to evoke the sadness of a dead relationship. The first frame from a 70's city scene photo (I seem to have lost the details). The three succeeding frames inspired, I believe, by artwork from Apartment 3-G artist Alex Kotzky. Inspired, maybe, but -as usual- drained of life. Still, I'm happy with it.


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