
Einen Kaffee, Bitte

Episode Two Hundred Eight: Einen Kaffee, Bitte.
In which we have a mind.

1 comment:

  1. This one misses the mark. The third frame, particularly, is just a mess. It doesn't convey any coherent sense of design, and so helps the rest of the comic stumble along.

    Generally, the last few months - the election, the election denial, the roaring back of the pandemic, the uncertainty of the pandemic - has been so disjointed. Everyone wandering around in a confused, depressed haze. I don't know what's going on with me, and my inability to spend much time planning and executing comics reflects that.

    Squid man is touting the final lines from Wallace Stevens' The Snow Man (1921), an invective demanding that relinquish my Ego, or - at the very least - come to acknowledge it. It may also have to do with a resignation that Stevens may be as far as I get in life, a reconciliation that my boundaries are becoming limited, and that I may never make it past trying to understand even one poet.

    The second frame - the anxiety frame - an Oblique Strategy card that coincidentally came up as I was musing on the Steven's line, lending more nothing to the more than nothing that was not there. An abundance of nothing.

    The third frame an attempt at replicating a locked neural network ... decision making always leading in one direction.

    And the Eno quote came from a live-stramed Maria Bamford comedy show in which she spoke to viewers to offer bad advice - the concept worked, perhaps not as strong as Richard Herring's solidly 'loser' approach, but Bamford offered with decidedly more energy. "Negativity is always on point" was an initial response, carefully considered, to a caller who was getting shit at the office for not every bringing positivism to the water cooler. I could relate. And, also, it's a truism ... negativity IS always on point.


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