

Episode Two Hundred Thirty Five: I AM (B) / ADDUCTION.
In which we supinate.

1 comment:

  1. And then, out of nowhere, a winner. This is why I keep doing this strip, because I never know when this will happen. This took me all weekend to realize, and I kept struggling with another concept. I eventually just gave up on it, and this happened.

    The original idea had to do with a visualization of iambic pentameter - one unstressed foot next to one stressed foot. Ten feet. And I had the idea that I could have literal feet that represented those iambs while also representing a word that would fit in that 5-stress line. 'En Pointe' seemed appropriate, and 'Espadrille' to follow. This sounded, to me, to be a homonym for: "On point, here's the drill:"

    But the more I hashed it out, the worse the idea became. At one point it all just seemed to be a 'say what you see' puzzle, which was a far cry from this hybrid visualized line-poem that I had a half image of. "The Boot" seemed an appropriate ending, but that, too, took a turn to be just - well - goofy.

    And so I gave up and decided to just have five pairs of feet, and the appearance of the Chicken (it's a Grouse, actually, pulled when the line was turning into a Cockney warning) reminded me of my own adduction: I'll occasionally have my right angle collapse, causing me to fall outward, the result, I think, of an old hiking injury. In truth, a pigeon-toed gait is characteristic of several members of my family.

    And the comic kind turned into that. So the title is both: 'Iamb' and also 'adduction', a collapsing inward. I don't know if it comes through at all, but I significantly rotated the cat's foot to give it a pigeon-toed gait.

    The boots, unintentionally, turned so darkly shaded that I feel they look like they extend upward to become evergreens on the top of mountains in an homage to all those hippie drawings where a person turns into something from nature. This only came out on the final pass, when all the level adjustment had been completed. I don't know what it means, but it worked.

    Even the coloring, the after-coloring of the beige that didn't touch the natural white of the drawing paper as it highlights the inside of each pair of feet, is a satisfying accident.


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