
Lower Quadrant Framing

Episode Three Hundred Thirty Two: Lower Quadrant Framing.
In which we run.

1 comment:

  1. Exhibit at UVM's Fleming Museum of Art on Joseph Albers, primarily his clean, ordered prints exploring color tone through geometric shapes. The simplicity of his and his wife's work has been growing on me since first running into one of his glass etched representations of a skyscraper several years ago in at the Yale University galleries in New Haven. I'm not sure where the fourth frame in this series came from, but it's a highly contrasted image of a human portrait (half out of frame), the rendered shadings stylized as tic marks. The Second frame, if I recall, was a collage from Anni Albers.

    The title, lower quadrant framing, comes from an essay I came across online discussing the composition of shots in the Mr. Robot television series (2015). I had re-watched the series and was quite taken with the overt attempt at subverting framing conventions, both using offset framing as well as liberal use of the 'Dutch' camera angle, thereby filling the entire series with an unsettling tension. (Fun fact: it turns out 'Dutch' comes from early German Expressionist filmmaking techniques, and so the word derives from 'Deutsch', and does not refer to Dutch.) Each of these images are depicting an offset original, and so we only get a small portion of the picture.


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